Expert Divorce and Family Law Solicitors

A specialist firm of top divorce solicitors who can support you and give you the best possible representation. We offer competitive rates and expert advice on divorce.

We have been recognised by the Legal 500 as a ‘Leading Firm’, for three years in a row. We are industry experts on all aspects of divorce and family law.

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Expert Divorce and Family Law Solicitors

A specialist firm of top divorce solicitors who can support you and give you the best possible representation. We offer competitive rates and expert advice on divorce.

We have been recognised by the Legal 500 as a ‘Leading Firm’, for three years in a row. We are industry experts on all aspects of divorce and family law.

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Enter your details below and organise a no-obligation, confidential callback. We offer a low-cost, fixed-fee consultation.

* Please note we do not offer any Legal aid


A relationship breaking down is one of the most stressful experiences any person can go through.

Whatever you need advice on, be that a separation, filing for divorce, or you just need to speak to someone, our expert divorce lawyers in London and Hertfordshire can ensure complete discretion, compassion and confidentiality.

We can advise you on the most appropriate form of resolution, start the divorce process for you and discuss means of representation.

We are here to help you get the best possible outcome, so get in contact today for a confidential and free initial consultation.


Should I get a divorce?

This is a very personal decision and not something anyone else can answer for you. However, at Allard Bailey we can explore all your options and support you in coming to a decision. Even after a divorce has been issued, you can have time to reflect during the 20-week period stipulated by law for reflection and consideration. We will also ensure that you understand the real consequences of what will happen if you do choose to divorce and what this means for your personal and family life and your finances. This is to help you to make an informed decision.

You can apply for a divorce online or by post. You will need your spouse’s full name and address and your original marriage certificate or a certified translation if it’s not in English. If you’ve changed your name since you got married, then you will require proof of this as well (save that this will not ordinarily be the case if the only change to your name has been, for example, adopting your spouse’s surname. A copy of the divorce application is sent to your husband or wife’s current address either by email or by post.

Every person and every separation is different so you can choose the level of assistance you need, from a one-off consultation to review your situation or full representation in more complicated matters. Therefore, costs will vary but please be assured that we have a transparent approach to fees and will provide you with cost estimates at each stage.

At Allard Bailey, we will be able to give an estimate of the timescale of your divorce once we have familiarised ourselves with the facts of your particular case. The average period is around 4-6 months; however, the new legislation, which came into effect in April 2022, now means that couples must wait for a statutory period of 20 weeks before they can proceed to allow time for reflection so your divorce could take a little longer, closer to seven months. The process of ending the marriage is relatively straightforward, but divorces can take longer owing to issues that may arise when it comes to sorting out the finances. At Allard Bailey, we will provide you with a clean plan of action and timeline to meet your desired outcome.

You shouldn’t need to go to court unless the divorce is contested or defended and requires a court hearing. If there are disputes over finances or child arrangements, these could need to be sorted out by the court. Generally, if the divorce is reasonably amicable and you can agree on the division of property and finances plus childcare arrangements, then there is no need to go to court. Even if you and your spouse do not agree, there are various other ways of resolving dispute and court should be seen as a last resort. At Allard Bailey, we pride ourselves on identifying appropriate forms of dispute resolution according to your particular needs and circumstances.

In many circumstances it is possible to divorce in the UK even if you do not currently live here, and we can advise you according to your circumstances. We have represented clients in the Middle East, Far East, France, Australia and the USA.

No. English family courts can deal with marriages which took place anywhere in the world as long as there is sufficient connection with England or Wales. Factors that will be considered include which countries you and your spouse have been resident, your nationalities and your legal domicile.

If the divorce took place in the EU it will be recognised in England and Wales. The recognition of foreign divorces outside of the EU is more complex and will depend on factors such as how the divorce was obtained and your connection with that country at the time.

This will depend on the circumstances of your individual case. In some cases, the court can act as if the divorce itself took place in England and make full financial orders, in other cases the court will only deal with specific English assets, such as a pension or property.

Family mediation is where an impartial and professionally trained mediator helps you to work out arrangements for finances and any children when your marriage has come to an end. Mediation doesn’t impose decisions or orders on either party, but an arrangement agreed upon as a result of mediation can become legally binding if put into a Court order.

Mediation services are available for couples who want to separate or divorce. They are not there to save a marriage but to resolve areas of conflict and reduce hostility. Mediation can make your separation easier, but it may not be suitable in all cases (for example, when there has been domestic violence). At Allard Bailey, we can talk you through all your options and support you through the entire process.


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